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Facial Plastic Surgeon / Procedures / Face / Facelift Revision

Facelift Revision San Francisco

Clients who have previously undergone a facelift but are unhappy with the results present a special situation for the plastic surgeon. Their unique needs must be met with a conservative, specialized touch that addresses both the past and the future of their appearance. Revision facelift surgery is delicate, complex and painstaking in order to minimize flaws while preserving the spontaneity of the facial expression.

As among San Francisco’s best facelift revision experts, Dr. Elyassnia is poised to deliver beautiful, organic results that improve quality of life and boost self-confidence.

Facelift revision is sought out for many different reasons. Most commonly, the client’s primary facelift was performed at least a decade ago and further changes are now required due to the passage of time and the natural aging process. Alternatively, the work perform originally was not aggressive enough, leaving marked areas of dissatisfaction, such as in the cheeks, jaw or forehead. The reverse of this is when a surgeon over-operates, stretching the skin too tightly, resulting in a “deer in the headlights” look that can be quite unfavorable. Rest assured that San Francisco physician Dr. Elyassnia has extensive experience with revision facelift surgery and can treat your issues, regardless of their cause.

Who are good candidates for revision facelift surgery?

If you are a patient who suffers from one or more of the following, a revision facelift may be the ideal treatment for your needs:

  • Visually unappealing scars from poorly placed incisions
  • Asymmetry in the facial region
  • A facelift performed over 10 years ago
  • A facelift performed using outdated surgical techniques
  • A facelift that has failed to address your primary concerns
  • A facelift that went too far and over-tightened the skin
  • A facelift that you feel may you look like a different person
  • A facelift marked by puckering, dimpling or creasing
  • Issues with the earlobes
  • A hollow look to the eyes or cheeks
  • A generic look that is not favorable to the features

A comprehensive approach

The revision facelift is an excellent opportunity to pursue a combination approach that will lead to more satisfactory long term results. Dr. Elyassnia thus often performs a brow lift, blepharoplasty and a neck lift when completing the revision facelift process for his San Francisco clients. Fat transfer is also a common adjunct procedure as well, which works to replenish the volume lost through both aging and prior surgeries. Undergoing multiple treatment simultaneously reduces costs and downtime, and can on the whole, lead to a more comprehensively youthful aesthetic.

The SMAS facelift

One other common reason for facelift revision worth mentioning is the problem of a surgeon who only superficially pulls back the top layers of skin, failing to address the underlying muscular structure of the face, also known as the SMAS and Platysma muscles in the face and neck respectively. If the facelift does not tighten these deeper facial structures, it is hardly sustainable. Problems may ensue such as ear defects, undesirable scarring and a “done” look. In these cases, the revision facelift will focus on addressing the SMAS deeper planes, facilitating a far more rejuvenated and camera-ready result.

Best Facelift Revision in San Francisco
San Francisco Facelift Revision

What is my initial
consultation at Dr. Elyassnia's
office in San Francisco like?

If you are a patient seeking superior facelift revision in the San Francisco area, the next step is to schedule a confidential consultation with Dr. Elyassnia. During this initial visit, the doctor will examine your face and neck, mull over your medical history and previous surgeries and procedures, and begin to come up with a personalized plan of action to treat your aesthetic concerns. He will answers any and all questions you may have in detail, and supply you with vital information on procedure costs, insurance, recovery, anesthesia, and many other important topics.

Reviewing before and after photographs of former clients can be helpful at this stage because you can see how your own anatomy may change as a result of the revision facelift process. You may also bring images from magazines or online to show Dr. Elyassnia exactly how you would like your new face to appear.

Note that Dr. Elyassnia will never disparage the work of an inferior surgeon, as he does not wish to focus on the negative. Rather he will seek to do everything in his power to correct surgical error while producing stunning, long term results that complement your facial features and aesthetic goals.

Most San Francisco patients feel relieved, confident and optimistic by the end of their first meeting with the doctor, thanks to his honest, compassionate demeanor and passion for educating his clients to the fullest. However, if you do feel hesitant about moving forward, simply schedule an additional meeting with Dr. Elyassnia so he can address any lingering concerns.

What is the
day of my facelift revision
surgery like?

It is required that you abstain from food or drink for at least 12 hours before surgery. You may be able to take any medications before treatment, however, depending on the doctor’s instructions.

Revision facelift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes on average about 3-4 hours, although it may take longer if you are also undergoing a brow lift, neck lift, or blepharoplasty in tandem.

After surgery, the doctor may place drains around the face to rid the body of excess fluids. In some cases, a bandage or dressing may be placed as well to facilitate rapid healing and a reduction of swelling. You will stay in our climate-controlled recovery quarters until it is time to return home.

What is the
recovery process
for revision facelift treatment?

Swelling, discomfort and soreness will be present for several days after surgery, but these symptoms are to be expected and will dissipate shortly. Dr. Elyassnia will ensure your complete comfort with prescription painkillers as needed. He will also provide you with a detailed aftercare plan that includes instructions for showering, sleeping, exercising and returning to normal activities such as work or socializing. It’s imperative that you attend regular follow up sessions with Dr. Elyassnia so that he can monitor your progress and make sure your recovery is progressing as planned.